5 Ways to Make Your Retail Space More Eco-Friendly

3 min read

by Ford Hudson


Change Your Mindset


If you’re reading this article, it probably means you’re already inspired to transform your business into a more eco-friendly retail space. But to begin this green initiative, you must first set some policy operations for your store. Similar to a business plan, create a green mission plan for your store, taking into consideration the backend and frontend and the day-to-day operations. 

After you create policy operations, it’s also important to train and direct staff with a set of these written guidelines. Not only does it provide a clear direction for them, but it develops this mindset across the board, inspiring others.

Cut Down on Waste


Cutting down on waste is an excellent first step that requires little to no cost. The timeless adage of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle is a great mantra to have.

Offer e-receipts, which cut back on paper transactions as well as ink cartridges. In the same vein, digitize finance records and vendor orders and use online banking, doing away with those file cabinets cramping the back storage room. Reuse cardboard boxes and packing materials, and reward customers who bring in bags. 

And this mantra doesn’t just go for customers. Think about and reward your employees as well. Reward staff who bike or commute to work using public transportation.

Use Green Cleaners

Biodegradable green cleaners keep the air clear of toxins and promote an allergen-free space. Switch out toxic cleaners with simple solutions of distilled vinegar and water for wiping down display tables. Alternatively, if you find yourself short-handed with staff or prefer to concentrate on more important tasks, you can hire a green cleaning service who will swing by during off-business hours to get the job done. 

On the same lines of improving the air quality that you and your customers breathe, you can also place a few plants around to enhance a space.

Evaluate the Furniture, Finishes and Equipment

If you move into an established retail space, you might think that there’s not much you can do to create a more eco-friendly retail store. And maybe you were handed records of what was installed and what the walls were coated in. But even if the bones are good, there are still some things you can do to make your retail store a bit more kind to the environment–especially when it comes to FF&E (Furniture Finishes and Equipment).



The finishes you choose for your retail space can also be more environmentally friendly. Paint is quite toxic. We know this because even when we apply it, masks are recommended.

Since flooring makes up a good portion of your finishes, it’s important to take notice of what you’re installing–right down to glues and adhesives that are used in the application. There are numerous eco-friendly flooring types available, including cork and bamboo, which are renewable resources.

And today, there is a variety of sustainable wood flooring options and even some that are both modern and Asthma and Allergy Friendly by the Asthma & Allergy Foundation of America. Before installing new floors, check the product’s environmental certifications. One such certification for hardwoods is the FSC-certified label, designated by the Forest Stewardship Council. They promote the responsible management of forests throughout the world with a focus on adhering to high social and environmental standards.

Eco-friendly retail spaces are swiftly becoming the norm. And with good reason. As more consumers become conscious of where they purchase their products and the overall impact it has, retail stores have begun to embrace sustainable practices to fit this trend.

While some retailers are hesitant to green alternatives, often assuming it might turn their store more “granola” and be quite costly, other retailers have wisened up to newer technologies.

Today, whatever your store sells, you can always create a more environmentally friendly mission that appeals to a variety of customers.

Both affordable and practical, here are five ways to make your retail space more eco-friendly.



Due to the manufacturing process and materials used, many furniture and finishes contain harmful air pollutants such as VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds). 

Furniture emits all kinds of VOCs, right down to the wood frame. If your retail space has a lounge area, consider where the furniture comes from and how it is produced. Instead of choosing a sofa made overseas, which produces greenhouse gases to get it to you, find something more locally made. Instead, reuse furniture and reclaim older display fixtures.


Equipment is anything from the appliances to the light fixtures. And in terms of being eco-friendly, this can go a long way.

Energy-efficient appliances and lighting, like those with an EnergyStar label, can significantly reduce costs and help reduce your retail store’s carbon footprint. This also goes for back of house items like PCs, printers and the breakroom fridge.

Switch out incandescent and fluorescent bulbs with light-emitting diodes (LEDs) or compact fluorescent lights (CFLs), which have become much more realistic and warm. Lastly, place lighting on timers to turn off after hours. This will save a ton on energy costs.


Market Your Green Initiative with Customers

Once you have transformed your retail space into a more green environment, don’t let it go unnoticed. Get those recycled business cards ready, announce the new changes across social media and just engage your customers all around. Today, customers and consumers, especially of the Millennial generation, are eager to seek out companies and brands that are equally concerned with environmental issues. 

Let customers know about this new green initiative your store has taken. You might be surprised by the support you’ll receive.

Ready to Make Your Retail Space More Eco-Friendly?

From basic recycling to replacing light fixtures, these are five ways you can make your retail space more eco-friendly. Whether you implement one or all of them, you are one step forward to helping the environment.


About the author

Ford Hudson is a Marketing Manager at Twenty & Oak. Every flooring product on Twenty & Oak has been hand-selected for its outstanding performance, beautiful craftsmanship, durability, and environmental sustainability. Ford is passionate about the environment and thoughtful interior design. That’s why his work for Twenty & Oak is so important to him. A Charleston, SC native and avid Gamecocks fan he loves spending time within nature and cheering his team on.